Parallel sessions


This session explores thinking on organisational capability implied by the latest Transforming Infrastructure Performance from the Infrastructure and Projects Authority.

In this interactive session we explore the concept of platform thinking and the factors necessary to drive a step change in culture and organisational capability towards platform thinking for the Built Environment. In particular, we consider the nature and direction of change needed to move away from a model of end-use design on individual projects.

Chair: Dr Vedran Zerjav, Associate Professor of Infrastructure Project Management from the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction UCL will be joined by Nick Yandle, Head of Programmes, in the Infrastructure and Projects Authority’s (IPA) Project Futures team, William Varah, Programme Director in the IPA’s Modern Methods of Construction team. Academic contributors to this session include Dr Rehema Msulwa, Dr Juliano Denicol and Dr. Nick Marshall.

Chair & Speakers

  • Dr. Vedran Zerjav (Chair)

    Associate Professor in Infrastructure Project Management, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL

  • Nick Yandle

    Head of Programmes, Infrastructure and Projects Authority’s (IPA) Project Futures team

  • William Varah

    Programme Director, Infrastructure and Projects Authority’s (IPA) Modern Methods of Construction team

  • Dr. Rehema Msulwa

    Research Associate, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

  • Dr. Juliano Denicol

    Lecturer in Project Management, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL

  • Dr. Nick Marshall

    Senior Research Fellow, CENTRIM (Centre for Change, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management), University of Brighton